About Satan

Meesum and I were talking. It was late at night and we had been in the library studying whatever it was that we had to study till midnight. While returning back to our rooms, we felt the need to take a stroll and got caught up in a conversation about girls and everything else. From there on, somehow our talk turned to Islam, what it means to be a Muslim and how much hell-bound we really are,

Since no talk about Hell can ever be complete without Satan, I think, somehow we started talking about him. So I had this strange idea that I just have to mention.

When God created Adam, he asked all his angels to bow down in front of Adam, his finest creation. Now we all know that Angels have a lot of amazing super-abilities. You’d know if you’ve seen City of Angels, so anyways. The only things that human have and Angels don’t is free-will. Despite all their powers, angels are bound to God’s will completely and they can’t think for themselves.

So now my proposition is as follows. When God asked his angels to bow to Adam, the one named Lucifer didn’t. SInce he can think for himself, the one named Lucifer has free will. So when you add free will to his already magnificent collection of super-abilities, you’d find that he is, infact better than human beings. He can transform, fly, teleport, dance on a pinhead and even think for himself. We on the other hand hardly even think, ever. Hence Lucifer was right when he didn’t bow to a creature so obviously inferior to him. And we were wrong all along to blame him for our obvious shortcomings. In fact we are the true Satan.

It is so easy for us, isn’t it? We can do whatever wrong we want to do and then claim that the Devil hoodwinked us, when in fact it is we who did wrong,  I don’t really have a point to drive home with this.

Except maybe that we all deserve hell. Or maybe Satan deserves a pardon. Of course it can be argued that Lucifer was wrong to defy God’s will in the first place and that is why he was punished. Which would mean that my whole idea was a pointless what if. But I still think that the whole point to the whole apple and serpent excercise was to prove to God that humans were in fact inferior.
Apart from that I really don’t know what to say. If I think of something more interesting, I’ll add that. Maybe I’ll continue my argument and show that Satan is not all that evil as he is cranked up to be. Lets see. Everything depends on when and if, I ever get time to breathe.

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