Loonix Woes

I am again stricken by the Lunix Blues. I installed CAE Linux, which is a repository of CAE software and is needed for I need to do some CAE work, so it has cfd finite elements octave and other packages that are good and useful. It is based on Ubuntu 10.04 so the installation was a breeze. However the installation was not perfect. These are the problems:
1. The resolution is stuck at 1024×800. There is no graphics card other than the onboard intel graphics but even that supports 1600×900 and compositing. KDE doesn’t work, it just gives me a blank screen. I need compositing for it to work I guess. There is no xorg.conf, I guess people decided that xorg.conf is too old and implemented a whole new system.
2. The internet connection is not detected. I don’t even know which module controls the gigabit intel ethernet adapter that is onboard. This is the saddest of conclusions, to not be able to internet. How am I supposed to fix the system if I cannot even google?

So only two gripes but two major gripes. Internet and video. I don’t have the undergrad patience where I could read forum post after forum post and try to make things work. That the internet is not working is sad news altogether. I will I have decided just browse 9gag and reddit on the windows 7 that I installed side by side and that is all.