Good Deeds are NOT a Compulsion

The Good books are filled with misguided literature on how Piety and other assorted ills of the human nature are a duty of the soul – After all the Good prevails – and we must do our part in raising the Banner and uplifting the Standard and unfurling the Flag of Heaven as a divine proof of His Mastery Over Satan (or whatever flavor you prefer your boogeymen in). 

But, irl, misguided Good Deeds are the worst problem facing the Universe atm. Even serial murders and Genocide specialists are convinced that they are just doing God’s work, obviously, because God has a secure direct line with them.

I find, the best way to quantify God – A MIRROR REFLECTING THE MOVES OF YOUR LIFE – a dynamic reflection of thine soul. Inference is often the faulty step – but that is a traditionally human problem. If we could infer, we would unlock the Galactic stage already. We have a Specialist emphasizing, fractured Knowledge System and a lot of it – especially in the Theoretical Portions – is what we wish were true – rather than abstract truths that hold about the World. Science ha thus, devolved into a frantic Human race to impose one’s WILL OVER THE UNIVERSE. And the usual rules hold. The Strongest, Cleverest, the est (wo)man wins. 

But, why be Good? Why sacrifice whatever pleasures of the bone and the morrow that could be had in the flesh for some unquantifiable, unspecified thing-in-itself benefit, that no one can really seem to decide if it even exists? Why bet your life on an If?

 The Smart Man follows the Money and Play the Game Shrewdly. The poor stupid sod ends up exploited. And he doesn’t really mind – the Kingdom of Heaven shall be his. After all, Jesus said that the meek SHALL inherit the earth. The exact date of this ascension has conveniently been forgotten by History. How long? How much further should the meek wait? Is it a weakness of his character, that forces him to be satisfied with this conditions? Does he not feel? Does he not have passions? Does his heart not beat? 

The meek man is not good out of a sense of duty or a honor bound compulsion. It is how he is. He is content – he doesn’t mind, that is what he is. It is his nature to be good, to yield his way. He doesn’t because he can, or that he must, but, because he is.

The common riff-raff, has to be good – because they are compensating – as they sin and feel the bucket of their sins get heavier, they feel the noose of death tighten around their necks and they try to heaven the burden of their good deeds – and they choose, what they feel are the sureshots – prayer and charity. Once they were bogged down by one weight, now they are under two. 

The meek, has a certain lightness of character – and feels himself inadequate – but for him the least of transgressions – an erotic thought here, a lustful glance there – constitute what his burdens of grave sins are. And under this non-existent load, he remains perennially buckled. Never retaining the courage to stand with his back erect so he may have the world dance on the palm of his forward facing palm. It is but a Cosmic Joke. 

And so, if there is no Heaven, should we shed our Meekness? Should we become Professors and Lawyers and Doctors and Politicians and Professional Artists? Should we indeed – become Successful? Should we cheapen the Gravity of our Soul?

The answer is laughably simple – We need only Unite. And it is not the fancy unification with BANNERS AND SPEECHES AND DECLARATIONS – that shits for stupid fucks. Only they have the kind of patience. 

Strive for perfection – my counterparts. Strive for perfection, you beautiful pieces of my soul. Together we shall take over the world and they wouldn’t even know what hit ’em. 

Sing the Soulful Strains of the Hurt in Your Soul. Astound with the Searing Brilliance of Your Intellect. Charm the Pants off of them with your Gaze. And most important – HOLD YOUR STANCE! Walk with a Straight Back and a Smile on your Lips. You are the Chosen Child. You are NOT Homo Sapien. You are HOMO FUCKING EMOTICON. YOU ARE THE NEXT STAGE TO THIS EVOLUTION. 

That delightful madness – is after all – an adornment. The Gift of the Memory of the Things to Come. Great things are in the offing.